5 Things to look for when chooing a web hosting company

1. Know the requirements of your website

If you do a simple Google searches will reveal there are many web hosting companies available. Before you even think about any of them you should understand the needs of your site.

The first step in selecting the right web host to determine what your requirements are for your site. Ask yourself questions like " what type of website do I want to build?", "Do I prefer using WordPress?", or "How many visits is I expecting?".

While these questions may appear simple, but they are really important.

What is the reason?

The more precise you are and the more precise you can be, the simpler it will be to choose the best hosting provider best for your needs. Looking to use WordPress? Think about an managed WordPress hosting service. Planning to launch an online shop? Check out hosting companies who are experts in eCommerce.

If you're a complete beginner, here's a quick tip:

Always choose an shared hosting plan from an established business.

Because sharing hosting can be inexpensive and easy to manage It makes them the ideal choice for brand new or smaller websites. Additionally, they relieve your mind from the backend, like security and maintenance and let you concentrate on creating your website.

2. Check out the reliability and uptime scores of servers.

When Amazon shut out of service for 30 mins in 2013 it cost Amazon $66,240 per hourin income.

Simply put, being online is vital for your site and in order to ensure that it is it is essential to be aware of how stable your web host service provider is.

Today, there are many tools for monitoring servers that you can utilize to keep track of a host's performance however, looking at their scores for uptime can more than discern whether a hosting service has stability or not.

The current industry standard is 99.95 percent uptime, and anything lower than 99% should be avoided. Of of course, premium accounts give better server stability, and some will even manage 99.99 percent uptimes or higher.

3. The possibility of upgrading your server

Plans for hosting in dubai come in many shapes and sizes , however when you're starting out, you'll probably end up using the hosted hosting service that is shared.

If so, it is recommended to choose one that will allow users the ability to change your service in the future.

The reason is that regardless of whether you select the most reliable shared hosting service but there's still limited resources that you can access. When your website gets bigger and is attracting more numbers of visitors (above 30000 unique visitors) and you need to upgrade your shared hosting plan won't be sufficient to support the volume of bandwidth.

Hosting providers that allow users to change their plan can be much more beneficial than finding an alternative host and then migrate your entire site.

If you're just beginning to learn HTML0 this is a great tip:

A dedicated server or VPS plan gives you greater server resources when your site surpasses that shared hosting service. Look for web hosting providers that provide the capacity to grow the amount of space your website requires.

4. Find out the renewal and signup cost

There are two different prices you should be aware of when dealing with web hosts - the initial cost and the renewal cost.

Most of the time the price you pay at first for a plan may not be the price you pay to renew. In most cases the price for renewal will be much higher based on the amount of discounts or offers you received.

Unfortunately, it's common usage for hosting companies to bump the cost of renewals and unless you're planning to switch your web host every 2 or 3 years, there's not a option to stay clear of it.

Instead, look to web hosting providers that aren't too expensive in their price increases (nothing more than 100 percent). If, for instance, the cost of signing up was $5/month the price shouldn't rise higher than $10/month when renewing.

If you're just beginning to learn HTML0 this is a great tip:

Make sure to read the terms and conditions of the host who you use regarding renewal rates. The ToS is typically on their homepage, and the quick search of keywords (renew and renewal) can help you locate the policy.

5. Are they able to offer a return policy or a trial for free?

Utilizing a web hosting service isn't cheap. Particularly if you're just beginning your journey and don't have an enormous budget.

It's the reason a hosting provider which offers a refund policy, or trial periods for free can aid in reducing your expenses.

With free trial that allow you to try the hosting service and then cancel it if it doesn't suit your website's requirements. In the event that something goes wrong selecting a provider that has solid refund policies will help make sure you don't loose any amount of money.

Some require a cancellation fee if the account is cancelled within the trial period. The best option is to stay clear of these companies. Instead, choose firms that offer money-back guarantees that offer prorated refunds after your trial has expired.

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